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Envisioning the future of public space illumination – Looking back at looking forward, part one
In 2001, for their 20th anniversary issue Metropolis magazine’s back page featured several architects’ and designers’ quick visions for...
Leni’s eclectic nighttime design bibliography, part 2
Nightwalking, A Nocturnal History of London, by Matthew Beaumont. The book arrived bedside and surely it “…shines a light on the shadowy...
Leni’s eclectic nighttime design bibliography
Do you read? Here, this list is for you: publications on urban design, historical light, stories of sleep, nocturnal narratives, the...
Nighttime Design Has its Day
Here, the Arup description: “In the past, the attitude of ‘the more light the better’ has led to a general abundance of light, especially...
City Light Guide – NYC – Read Cities After Dark + Movie: Cleveland’s Slice of Nigh
City Light Guide, a free mobile app by Philips has just been released. Link to Android City Light Guide & Apple City Light Guide apps...
Jane’s Walk and a Naughty Dérive
Municipal Art Society’s “Jane’s Walk” West Village, May 5th 2012,was fun and invigorating. I was the “official” photographer and took my...
A Slice of Light: Selections from Fusing Art + Design
A launch to the season of golden slanting sun and naturally tinting leaves, here is a seasonal selection of commentaries voted the best...
Fête des Lumières; a NightSeeing™ LightWalk in Lyon, Part 2
Visual memories of December 2010 are clothed in a vapor of magenta pink. During the famous ‘Fête des Lumières‘ in December 2010, Philips...
LightWalk Times Square with Author Dietrich Neumann and his Architectural History Class
I was thrilled to receive a message from Dietrich Neumann, whose “Architecture of the Night” has inspired so many. He indicated that he...
Transforming a Darkened Underpass into a Brightly Breathing Bridge and Streetscape Lighting Design
Less than one year after the contract was awarded, Light Projects’ illumination and color design for Louisville’s 2nd Street Bridge and...
Architect’s Newspaper: Leni Schwendinger Lights the Way
Comment> A renowned lighting designer takes a walk in the dark in search of illumination (Full text and images link) In October 2010 my...
NightSeeing™ in Washington D.C. (with Landscape Architects)
In the evening Washington D.C. NW is a monochromatic blend of light. People are the action. The shifting interplay of nighttime dark and...
LYS – My Copenhagen Lighting Day
We arrived on a cold, turbulently windy day. Snug and dry in the Admiral Hotel a converted waterfront warehouse, we fell asleep to the...
Public Lighting Theory – developing the nexus of lighting and urban design
Are you a lighting designer or an artist?Are you a theorist or practitioner? These questions are bound to come up at the end of every...
Mexico City; Las Calles y Luz de “La Capital”
Born to go to Mexico City, “La Capital” Leni aspired to Mexicana status, here pictured in red dress with Aztec-inspired embroidery...
LightMapping NYC – Join the exploration of light and dark November 11-18
LightMapping NYC is intended to provide the New York City lighting design community with a forum to consider the current, past and future...
Public Lighting Walk With Leni… Video Shoot Preview
The urban nighttime environment is a dark canvas that humans have created – our previously daytime oriented “clocks” have been extended...
Queens Plaza, New York City — Groundbreaking, August 3rd 2009
Elevated tracks at Queens Plaza, NYC - repainting begins The groundbreaking ceremony for Queens Plaza was hot, the traffic non-stop and...
dérive*: A Cultural Week in Manhattan – 090725
July 19 — Washington Square park Walking home, in the warm breezes of this summer’s evening — Washington Square Park is alive! It seems...
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