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Urban Lighting Design: Contemporary Vision for Nocturnal Environments

Feast your eyes, intellect and imagination on images and text about the possibilities of light and night.

You are welcomed to innovate with Leni – Urbanist | Designer | Artist 

The hours from dusk to dawn, in public space, deserve a special urban planning and design approach. During the virus pandemic, with focus on essential labor — medical, transit, cleaning, call centers, to name a few — cities’ human, humming engine, nighttime design is critical. 

However, for public space design teams, urban lighting design is seldom listed as a key service with line-item fee budgets. Therefore primes consult with fixture representatives and engineers rather than peer designers.

Welcome to my economic program especially to enhance structure, infrastructure and site design: Pre-design and Design – Stage 1. Full service concept to construction administration is also available, see Design – Stages 2 and 3.

Leni Schwendinger features and public art withl ight

Leni Schwendinger Light Projects: Features – Public Art

As a sole-proprietor, woman-owned enterprise (WBE), with over 20-years of experience, Leni Schwendinger Light Projects offers upper-level illumination design services to ensure quality nighttime experiences for end users through guidance, collaboration and advisement for landscape architecture and urban design clients. 

Leni Schwendinger Parks and Waterfronts

Leni Schwendinger Light Projects: Parks and Waterfronts 

In-depth technical assistance is available as needed. Design Development (Stage 2) and CD phase (Stage 3) options include coordinated hand-off to the prime’s choice:

  1. Internal design staff

  2. Team electrical engineer

  3. Manufacture representatives

  4. Leni Schwendinger Light Projects’ partner technical team

Key services

– Existing conditions – Community engagement if needed – Develop concepts to match architectural design themes – Basis of Design Report (Schematic) – Review and Comment (Final Design) – Commissioning


  1. Site visit

  2. Existing conditions report

  3. NightSeeing Program: Community and stakeholder interaction

  4. Recommendations – night and light principles

Design Stage 1 – Schematic

  1. Design workshop guidance

  2. Including precedents, examples

  3. Relevant case studies

  4. Concept/Schematic Basis of Design consisting of:

  5. Sketches

  6. Rendered site plan

  7. Rendered design for specifics – section/elevation as needed

  8. Fixture Families

Design Stage 2 – Design Development through Construction Documentation

  1. Review, comment, answer questions throughout final design process

Design Stage 3 – On-site commissioning 

  1. Supervise aim and adjust

  2. Supervise level setting and states (control system)

Leni Schwendinger Lighting Design

Leni Schwendinger Light Projects: Transit                                                         

Add a qualified WBE urban lighting designer to your design team.

Download certifications here.


Leni Schwendinger, Leni Schwendinger Light Projects, Urban lighting Design, Urban Design Lighting, Nighttime Design, creative concepts to full-service lighting designs, Creative Urban Lighting, Nighttime Design, Light Projects, how does a city find the best lighting designer, night safety with lighting, innovative city public spaces, innovative Urban public spaces, lighting designs that optimize nighttime experiences, sustainable Urban public spaces, creative public spaces, outdoor light at "night" for walkability, creative city ideas, how can we fix our boring "downtown" at night, city strategies for exciting nights, infrastructure lighting, landmarks lighting, urban environment lighting, lighting design, International Nighttime Design Initiative, lightwalks, Urban Design Forum, Professional lighting Company, Light Projects Near Me, Urban Lighting, Urban Light Studio, Creative Lighting Concepts, Creative Lighting Projects, Creative Lighting Design, Light Design, Creative Light Studio, Public Space Lighting, Public Space Light Studio, Public Space Lighting Near Me, Public Space Light Design, Innovative Light Design, Smart Light Design, City Lighting Design, Lighting for Urban Areas, Professional City lighting, Infrastructure Lights.

© 2024 by Leni Schwendinger Light Projects. 41 Union Square West, Suite 619, New York, NY 10003. All Rights Reserved. Privacy

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